Reading Recommendations

Here are some books or articles I’ve found helpful in:

*finding my own sense of self

*guiding or teaching Focusing to others

*maybe the most challenging area: interacting authentically in the world

I will be building this list in December using these 3 categories and then adding to it continually over time. Please do not limit yourself to this list. Imagine this as a place to start. You can find probably all of these at the store on TIFI’s website.




Focusing by Eugene Gendlin – many people still find Focusing first via this little gem of a book, do familiarize yourself with it.

The Power of Focusing by Ann Weiser Cornell – reviews and answers basic questions for beginners to Focusing.

I know I’m in There Somewhere by Helene Brenner – explores Helene’s ABC model (Acknowledge, Being With, Compassion) via stories and “innercizes” – exercises you can try on your own. These innercizes are also available now on an app or MP3’s: My InnerVoice App.

Bio-Spirituality, Focusing as a Way to Grow by Peter Campbell and Ed McMahon – spiritual perspective.

Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams by Eugene Gendlin – for exploring dreams.

Your Body Knows the Answer: Using Your Felt Sense to Solve Problems, Effect Change, and Liberate Creativity by David Rome – an approach to Focusing from a Buddhist mindfulness view.



Reaching Resilience, A Training Manual for Community Wellness by Patricia Omidian and the Focusing Initiatives International team – great ideas for working with community groups.

The Radical Acceptance of Everything by Ann Weiser Cornell – a collection of essays around various Focusing topics that are really valuable for teaching. Many of them are in pdf format on her website.

Focusing-Orientated Psychotherapy, A Manual of the Experiential Method by Eugene Gendlin – valuable for guiding reference.

Focusing in Clinical Practice, The Essence of Change by Ann Weiser Cornell – similar to Gendlin’s above, valuable for guiding reference.

Focusing with Children, the art of communicating with children at school and at home by Marta Stapert and Erik Verliefde – wonderful children’s resource for parents or those working with children.

Treating Trauma and Addiction with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model by Jan Winhall.



A Process Model by Eugene Gendlin – essential for understanding the context of our relationship with the greater world beyond and what Gendlin’s philosophy says about this. Best to explore in a group.

Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning by Eugene Gendlin – also popular to explore as a group.

The Philosophy of the Implicit, An Introduction to the Work of Gene Gendlin; a short article by Robert Parker, PhD. This is a nice place to start if you are wanting to read more of Gendlin.

The Political Critique of ‘Awareness’ an article by Eugene Gendlin.

A Philosophical Critique of the Concept of Narcissism an article by Eugene Gendlin.

Process Ethics and the Political Question an article by Eugene Gendlin.

Evolutionary YOU, Discovering the Depths of Radical Change by Andrew Carter MacDonald.

The Folio, A journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, ANY issues by The Focusing Institute. This is an assortment of wonderful articles by various Focusing trainers, a great resource.



These are primarily group websites that support some organizational level with the world of Focusing.

The International Focusing Institute (the mother of all)

Focusing Initiatives International (home for Community Wellness Focusing)

Focusing Resources (Ann Weiser Cornell and Inner Relationship Focusing)

Biospiritual Focusing (Peter Campbell and Ed McMahon)

Wholebody Focusing (Kevin McEvenue)

Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts (Laury Rappaport)

Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy

British Focusing Association

Domain Focusing (Robert Lee)

Seattle Focusing Institute (Jeffrey Morrison)

Focusing in Focus (Nada Lou – Gendlin, Biospiritual and Thinking at the Edge video resources)

The Focusing Way (David Battistella – over 60 Focusing podcasts)

Focusing with Children! (A Resource for Teachers and Educators organized by Joe Colletti)